Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ugh, Blind Guy Do Blog!

"What Can A Blind Guy Do?"

"Blog or Die", is just about what they told me!

Yes, if you haven't had some intensity in your life, why are you here?
The Normal boring worker-consumer-obedient student, etc..
What a Pathetic Life! May they find something good to be Passionate About!

To get to the point of Blogging, I've had to Overthrow a lot of chains placed on my life.
These Chains are Placed by things variously called the Archetypes, Family System Roles, Archetypal dramas, Games People Play, Scape goating, Pecking and Picking Orders, blah, blah, blah.

Some Chains are not just Psychological or Sociological, but Physical: like birth defects (got those), Severe Injuries (Got those), Immune diseases like Asthma and Hay-Fever enough to scar lungs (Got Those), Mob reactions against me, ,,, so Blind Guy Can Do!
Only Questions are What, Where, When, How and with Whom.

Oh, the "Blog or Die" thing is in reference to a long term challenge to become a good communicator. You see I did not Talk until I was 18 years old ... most people do not prevail over these things. One thing that is known about humans is that without the ability to speak, a person can literally die.

I want to make clear that this lack of speech was not anybodies fault. In fact several people tried to draw me out, especially my Parents. So do not give me any of that why me victim self pity crap, all it would do for me is finish me off in a few hours or days.

Before my tongue was untied at 18, I went to the Airport, and stuttered through 4 hours of questioning the Flight Instructors. Until they knew I knew how to fly a plane, and that the only way to get rid of me was to take me up and let me take the controls.
The one who took me up, made me go through the pre-flight checks, like checking for water in the fuel tanks. But the hardest part was He made me call the control tower on the radio for permission to taxi into a position to take-off and then again for permission to take-off. Stuttering ALL the way, it's a wonder the Control Tower gave permission for anything.

After that Flying a Plane for the first time was easy and a sheer joy! I paid for what was called a Discovery Flight, where they do ALL that and definitely do not let you take the controls. Not only did he let me fly it in straight and level flight, but take-off and landing too!

Pilots are the best of people.

Sometime I'll Blog you about the first time I Flew a Helicopter!

In Adventure and Exhilaration Get Game, Postulate a Reality and Have Serenity!
Blind Guy Do (blindguydo) on Twitter and
Google blindguydo

Same Old Song And Dance

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