Sunday, August 30, 2009

Patriots For Office

I am looking for a Few Good Men.

A Few Good Men, Like that Marine David William Hedrick.

A Few Good Patriots For Office.

Really, what is needed of someone Holding Office? Essentially what does it mean to Hold Office? In Our Government there are Three Types of Powers, expressed in three types of office. Law-Making Power, Executive Power,, and Judging the Law Power.

All Laws Except the Irrevocable Dictates Of the Creator are Agreements, or Deals worked out by Assemblies of Two or More Individuals.

The List below Shows that the Laws are to direct the Military against Someone or Some Group.

The Individual
Head of House, dependents.

The Assembly.

Earldom or County:
A Local Church, Posse, Jury.
Church Elder(s), Sheriff, Judge.

Sovereign State
A State Church, Militia, State Supreme Court.
State Elders, Governor, Panel of Judges.

Congress, Military, Appeals to the Federal Government to Use the Military on a State
Congress, President, US Supreme Court.

Anything But the Use of Military Force is not a real function of Lawful Government, but is simply buying corruption!

That is All the Government is Good for, to Execute the Laws. Notice the word Execute. That was not an accident in all the law books.

So, Patriots For Office: On a Scale, the Ideal Office Holder is Able Bodied, Willing, Skilled and a Leader of Men in the Use of Military Force to Execute Law. Law that flows from there own County, State or the Union of States from the Bottom Up.

Secondarily: They need Skills in Public Speaking and Debate, Debate Just short of a Breach of the Peace, to Represent others in the Deal Making that is Law Making. All of those Deals are on Who is Friend, Who is Enemy, Who will Fight the Enemy for the Group, and Who will Buy, make, grow etc. the "Beans, Bullets, Guns, Uniforms, Flags, Radios, Boots, Jeeps, Tanks, Airplanes, Boats and Ships, etc. ..." for the fight. No Fight and the Enemy takes your Daughter, its going on right now on most College Campuses, yes no Fight and Lawlessness Rules.

Trial by Jury:
Juries and Judges are to witness, as armed witnesses, any Trial that needs to happen to prevent Riots and the like. These Trials are by Ordeal, Combat, or Oath, that is the swearing of Oaths or giving swore testimony. By the way the word testimony comes from swearing on the family jewels! (See the Movie "Fight Club:, for more truth then is available in a current court of lawlessness!)

Pulling It All Together:
David William Hedrick did a great job, as a Debater, and I would trust him to work out laws better that Rep. Brian Baird. Also I believe if a real Fight was needed I would bet on Him over the Baird!

David William Hedrick for Office, A Patriiot For Office!

In Adventure and Exhilaration, Get Game, Postulate a Return to Reality, and Have Serenity!
Blind Guy Do
Keepers Of The Flame Have You Found The Hero Of The Day

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