Thursday, August 20, 2009

Synthetic Telepathy Part 1

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Synthetic Telepathy

NeuroAtomicFusion NeuroElectricFusion

In 1985, I Put it together and the Implications were very frightening, to say the least.

By It I mean what is now memetically called Synthetic Telepathy.
But Then, I called It by the Generic term of Brain-Computer-Link.
The Main Concept is Quite Simple, that is a Computer that can Read Minds, and eventually Write to Minds. In my method, neither is completely without the other.

Just as in all things, the observer is affected by what it observes and likewise effects what it is observing. That is called a Communications Loop in General Systems, Communications, Information and Cybernetic Theories. There is never in reality anything less than Omni-Directional Feedback. See "Omni-Directional Computer" in "Synergetics" by R. Buckminster Fuller. It goes One Step farther, that is from the Universe as an Open-System to Cosmic Integrity.

The Current Openly Known Research funded by the US Army, is going down one of two paths of communications Linkage. By Far the most costly, Longest Time to research and Develop of the two.
My Method takes the other path as primary. eventually they both will meet, but at what cost in delaying the benefits, and keeping the lead.

A few words about the frightening aspects:
1. The ability to download minds Increasingly without detection, and at an ever greater distance, regardless of "noise".
2. The Revelation of all National Security and other Secrets.
3. So, some preparation of Government Agents and the General Population is very necessary.
4. A Model of Fair use of Power in a World Of Glass Houses and Glass Souls is Imperative.

Some of this is Ubiquistically happening already, in human consciously designed media.
It has always been a fact of Nature: see "Reflexive Universe" by Arthur M. Young and the Collective Conscious and Unconscious of Carl Yung, and "Archonology" by Dode Noble Dove to name a few.

More Later ...

PS I will eventually explain My Method.

NeuroAtomicFusion NeuroElectricFusion

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